STEM Programs

Greene STEM is a three-year grant which began in 2014 and includes 40 teachers of STEM-related subjects for grades 4-12 in all five Greene County Schools.

Greene STEM is being conducted in partnership with all county schools (Bloomfield School District, Eastern Greene Schools, Linton Stockton School Corporation, MSD Shakamak, and White River Valley School Corporation); Indiana University (IU) (Schools of Mathematics, Science, Mathematics Education and Science Education); IU Center for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP); and Greene Education Services (GES). The overarching vision of Greene STEM is to enhance the quality of STEM instruction in grades 4-12 in all Greene County Schools. This inquiry based approach to professional development has two goals: (1) Increase students’ understanding of and achievement in STEM, and (2) Improve teachers’ knowledge across STEM content areas, strengthen their pedagogical and technology skills, and develop their reflective practice expertise. Greene STEM will focus on implementing lessons and activities that promote student engagement through inquiry, thus engaging students in mathematics and scientific reasoning from an integrated curriculum point of view. Professional Development will be led by IU, Greene STEM Project Director Shirley Byrer(currently Jodi Byers), and Lead Teachers.